The respect for women and men


Our achievements

  • bridor

    Establishment of globally aligned programs to bring well-being and integration to a reference level in the industry.

  • bridor

    A dedicated heath and wellness committee assures regular sensibilization and encouragement to physical activities.

  • bridor

    Advanced employee health assistance program and extensive health insurance coverage.

  • bridor

    Standardized pre-shift warm-ups to reduce the risks of phsical injuries.

Our commitments

Continued investments in increasing the attractiveness of our company to attract the best talent in the industry while valuing diversity and inclusion.

Bridor is certified ISO 45001, the leading international standard for health and safety at work.

  • bridor

    Our ISO certification

Projet de loi 211

Bridor s'engage dans la lutte contre le travail forcé et favorise des pratiques commerciales responsables par la transparence sous forme de rapport public.

  • bridor

    Notre rapport public